A recipe of unique texture, crunch and slight bitterness sure to impress
Lyon has spawned some great dishes, and one of them is the Salade Lyonnaise. It is not the simplest salad ever made, but one that approaches perfection in a way others do not. Its combination of bitter greens (traditionally frisée, though escarole, dandelion, and arugula all work beautifully), crisp bacon, barely cooked eggs and warm vinaigrette is unbeatable. This Valentine’s Day, prepare this simple and elegant delicious recipe for your romantic brunch, lunch or dinner meal.
Ingredients (serves 4)

1 head butter lettuce
1 friseé lettuce (optional)
8 oz slab bacon
4 eggs
½ French baguette
2 oz Dijon mustard
2 oz red wine vinegar
4 oz light olive oil
Clean lettuce and cut leaves into medium size pieces.
Cut the bacon slab into ¼” thick slices, then cut into ¼” pieces.
Blanch by dropping bacon pieces in boiling water for about 4 minutes. Remove & drain.
Sauté blanched bacon in hot pan until light brown.
Drain & reserve.
Cut baguette into ½” cubes, sprinkle with some olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake in baking pan at 350◦ until light brown. Reserve.
Poached egg: bring about 2 quarts salted water and 1 oz. vinegar to a heavy simmer in pot. Crack whole egg into small container individually, then drop into hot water. Drop up to 4 eggs at a time. Cook until egg white is firm and eggs float, about 4 minutes. Remove and chill in ice bath.
Pour vinegar into small mixing bowl. Add salt (1/4 tsp) and pepper (1/4 tsp). Mix well. Add mustard and mix well. Incorporate olive oil slowly with whisk.
Toss lettuce in dressing. Display the salad on each plate* Add croutons and warmed up lardons (cooked bacon cubes until brown and slightly crispy). Top with one poached egg on each salad after warming them in boiling salted water for 3 minutes.
Optional: Add chopped herbs (chive, parsley) sprinkled over and served with a turn of fresh ground pepper.
*Divide salad and croutons onto 4 plates